Advanced CIP Course including Verification, Optimisation and Validation.


will cover:   

  • Brief overview of CIP 
  • Why and how we verify CIP.
  • CIP optimisation opportunities
  • CIP validation
  • Why they are Important?
  • What do I need to know?

Who should attend / will benefit?

Operations Area management, Technical staff, Project Managers, Quality control and Assurance hygienists and other relevant stakeholders who operate and manage Dairy, Food, and related plants. This course would be also useful for staff who work in plant optimisation or are planning new investments in plant and hygiene equipment.

Benefits of attendance / what will you learn?

What is Clean?

  • Prerequisites for successful cleaning /requirements.
  • Factors influencing cleaning.
  • The importance of a fully functional and verifiable Cip.

Review of Cip systems, Water, and chemicals.

  • Safety and environmental aspects of CIP.
  • Different CIP systems and the 4 T’s?
  • How each of the 4T’s affect the outcome of your CIP.
  • Chemicals and Water.
  • Common issues with CIP.

CIP Verification – Is your plant doing what it was designed to do?

ï       Is your plant fit for purpose?

ï       What are you measuring and how do you report it?

ï       Determine if your plant is compliant – producing objective evidence.

ï       Are you audit ready?

CIP plant optimisation

ï       What have you got – Programmed versus reality. 

ï       Water – The low hanging fruit!

ï       Chemicals and temperature

ï       The role of the chemical company and data usage.

CIP system Validation – cleaning the worst-case scenario!

ï      What is validation, why do we do it, removing the complexity.

ï      When should it be performed: At the beginning or at the end?

  • Validation prerequisites
  • Cleaning validation protocol
  • Cleaning validation process
  • Cleaning validation report
  • Maintaining the validated state

Post Validation and summary

  • Verification and monitoring
  • Repeat frequency.
  • Change management.
  • Lessons learned.

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